Monday, May 10, 2010

About me *** Despre mine

EN. Who am I? That’s a tough one to answer, because I am still discovering that myself…bit by bit….it’s a life time journey, believe me. I have asked myself this question since….well, …forever….and there are so many parts that are still hidden….but I don’t give up, I keep searching for myself. And I guess this is how I discovered photography, cause even though it seems to be an outside search actually it’s an inside one, and my way of photographing is actually more based on feelings and emotions than on what’s in the outside world.

I do believe in the law of attraction, and believe that I meet the people that I suppose to meet and by seeing in them what I see, I move closer to who I am…, I do like to observe this world, travel as much as I can, …in the outside world and as well, in the inside world. The diversity that I find makes me appreciate more what God has created. The camera has become the right instrument for me to express what I saw…some are good with words, others with music….and I am with images. …..expressing my world….the world I see.

My images are not perfect, and if you are looking for the perfect photographer, you  are on the wrong blog. I am not perfect…and nor wish to be….just want to be better than the day before….this life is a continuing journey.

So because I search more with the soul, than with the eyes, my images will reflect more “the soul” than the surrounding world. So if that’s what you are looking, to see the world in your eyes, in your child’s life, in your loved one eyes.… are at the right place.

I have been asked how much time a photo session may last. I try not to see it like a typical photo session, cause than would it be too formal, too cold for me, rather than a friendly day out with friends, where everyone is who he is and everything flows naturally. That’s why I don’t have a studio, and never wanted one. Than it wouldn’t be real. God has created the Light….and try to use that light to tell my stories. My studio is the nature ….and your home if you wanted to be. So, the photo-session lasts until it’s over. It’s all about the fun we have. Its only purpose is the joy and the reflection of your essence.

So, I just want to welcome you in my world and hope we meet and have fun …and take pictures. Camera is ready …..and it doesn’t matter where you are in the world…..remember : I love to travel!!!
Beside kids photography which has more a natural look, I love glamor photography, which brings to light what is beautiful but hidden in a person...and because every woman would love to feel beautiful, this style of shooting should be appealing for everyone.
To find out more why did I choose kids photography enter HERE

RO. Cine sunt? Nu e chiar asa usor de raspuns, pentru ca e o operatiune inca in derulare…bucatica cu bucatica….e o calatorie de o viata, credeti-ma. Mi-am pus aceasta intrebare….dintotdeauna cred….si inca atatea parti imi sunt ascunse….dar nu renunt, mai caut in continuare. Si cred ca asa am descoperit fotografia, chiar daca teoretic fotografiez ce este in afara mea, pentru mine este o lume interioara, si felul meu de a fotografia este bazat mai mult pe sentimente si emotii, decat pe ceea ce vad cu ochii….

Cred in legea atractiei, si cred ca intalnesc oamenii pe care trebuie sa-i intalnesc, si vazand in ei ceea ce vad, ma vad astfel mai bine pe mine insami….si astfel mai fac un pas. Imi place sa observ aceasta lume, sa calatoresc cat de mult pot… toate colturile ei….pe toate strazile nebatatorite de turisti. Diversitatea pe care o descopar ma face sa apreciez si mai mult creatia lui Dzeu si asa aparatul de fotografiat a devenit pentru mine instrumentul potrivit pentru a exprima ceea ce vad…..unii sunt buni la cuvinte….altii la muzica….iar eu….la imagini...sau cel putin asa imi place sa cred…iar ceea ce se vede in imaginile mele e perceptia mea, lumea mea.

Imaginile mele nu sunt perfecte, si daca cauti fotograful perfect, ai ajuns pe blogul gresit, nu sunt perfecta… nu-mi doresc sa fiu…..doar vreau sa fiu mai buna decat in ziua precedenta…..e o calatorie de-o viata, o plimbare prin necunoscut….

Pentru ca caut mai mult cu sufletul, decat cu ochii, imaginile mele vor reflecta mai mult “sufletul” oamenilor pe care ii intalnesc decat mediul inconjurator. Asa ca daca asta cauti, sa vezi o lume intreaga in ochii tai, al copilului tau, al celui drag….atunci ai ajuns la locul potrivit.

Am fost intrebata de multe ori, cat timp dureaza o sedinta foto? Eu incerc sa nu o vad ca o sedinta foto tipica, pentru ca atunci ar fi prea formala, prea rece pentru mine, prea impersonala, prefer sa o numesc o iesire cu prietenii, fiecare sa fie el insusi si totul sa curga natural. Acesta este si motivul pentru care nu am si nu mi-am dorit niciodata sa am un studio foto, in sensul clasic al cuvantului. El nu reprezinta realitatea pentru mine. Dzeu a creat Lumina, si incerc sa folosesc aceasta lumina naturala pentru a-mi spune povestile. Studioul meu foto este natura si casa voastra, daca preferati. Asa ca sedinta foto e gata ….cand e gata. E vorba doar de distractia pe care o avem. Singurul ei scop e bucuria si surprinderea esentei voastre.

Prin urmare, vreau sa va urez bun venit in lumea mea….si sper sa ne intalnim in curand ….aparatul foto e pregatit sa calatoreasca in lumea ta….in orice colt te-ai afla.
Stilurile abordate sunt 2: glamour si natural. Cel natural il folosesc in special in cadrul fotografiei de copii, iar cel glamour, la sedintele foto speciale tip glamour sau in cadrul nuntilor cu miresele fotografiate. Cred in acest stil pentru ca stiu ca orice persoana de gen feminin si-ar dori sa se simta frumoasa, iar acest stil de fotografie e cel care aduce acest plus de valoare.
Pentru a afla de ce am ales fotografia de copii in principal....intrati  AICI