Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fotografie de botez, Cluj-Napoca/Ranya Maia***Baptize photography,Cluj-Napoca/Ranya Maia

EN. It's the second day of Christmas and it is the time for Ranya Maia to meet God, she is 3 months and 3 days old, and 33 is a special number for perfect timing. Before the baptize I took some photos of her in her own environment....where she was surrounded only by love.... meaning parents, 4 grandparents, 2 godfathers and 2 godmothers. But let's meet this sweet angel:
RO. Este a doua zi de Craciun si e timpul pt ca Ranya Maia sa-l intalneasca pe Dumnezeu, ea are 3 luni si 3 zile si cum 33 este un numar special pentru Isus....sincronizare perfecta. Inainte de botez am reusit sa fac cateva poze cu eroina noastra in mediul ei natural....unde era inconjurata doar de iubire....adica parinti, 4 bunici, si 2 perechi de nasi. Dar sa cunoastem acest ingeras:

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