Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fotografie de botez, Cluj-Napoca / Maria Augusta***Baptize photography, Cluj-Napoca/ Maria Augusta

Ro: Cu toate ca fotomodelul meu de astazi are doar doua luni si o saptamana, noi ne stim totusi de mai mult de 3 luni……..Si acum ne-am cunoscut si in mod oficial cu ocazia botezului ei….dar si pentru o mini sedinta foto….e drept noi adultii ne-am dat mai mult peste cap, ea a ales sa doarma in marea parte a timpului, dandu-ne noua planurile peste cap…..dar evident o iertam ….de data asta , ca dormea ca un ingeras. Smile
En: Even though my model from today is only 2 months and one week old, we met 3 months ago……. And now we met more officially at her Christening Event….and also for a mini photo session….it’s true that she slept almost the whole time ….she didn’t care much about her photo session…..but of course we forgive her….this time, cause she was sleeping like a little angel.Smile
and of course some images from her baptize / si evident cateva imagini de la botezul ei