Monday, March 12, 2012

Diana - Glamor photo shoot, Cluj, Romania

En. First of all, you may ask why this session is called  glamor photo-session and not portrait photo-session. Well, in  a way they are very similar, but the main difference is that the portrait session is more close to a day by day look and a glamor session is more a beauty celebration day. You may choose a glamor photo-session versus a portrait photo-session if you want to look the way you never imagined before, the best dream version of you. That’s why a glamor photo-shoot takes a larger amount of time and requires my input more than a regular portrait session. The glamor shoot is usually held inside, the portrait shoot is usually held outside. The purpose of the glamor shoot is to get out the real one that is more hidden inside.
The real success of today’s photo-shoot was all because of my today’s model, Diana, which was willing to dedicate the time and energy for this kind of session, but it was well worth it. But enough with the words…time to see some images.
Ro. In primul rand, daca va intrebati de ce acest tip de sedinta se numeste glamour si nu sesiune foto portret. Ei bine intr-un fel ele sunt foarte similare, dar diferenta principala este ca sesiunile portret sunt mai apropiate de aspectul de zi de zi, iar sedintele glamour sunt mai apropiate de celebrarea zilei frumusetii. Ati putea alege o sedinta glamour versus o sesiune portret daca va doriti sa aratati asa cum v-ati imaginat dintotdeauna sa aratati. Sedintele glamour se desfasoara pe o perioada mai lunga de timp si de regula se desfasoara in interior. In cadrul sedintelor foto de portret implicarea mea este minima, iar in cadrul sesiunilor foto glamour implicarea mea este mai ampla.
Succesul sesiunii foto de astazi se datoreaza in totalitate modelului meu, Diana, care a fost dispusa sa aloce timpul si energia necesara desfasurarii acestui tip de sesiune foto, dar s-a meritat….Si acum gata cu vorbele…sa vedem si ceva imagini.
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