Monday, June 18, 2012

Dreaming about the future…*** Visand la viitor…

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En: Dreaming about the future…of course she was,…. of course she does,…. it’s in her blood to do so….a path from the future, a new road, “ el nuevo camino de la vida” …but in the same time enjoying the moment, living it, feeling it…and that’s something and we all must learn and she’s a good teacher. Her peace conquers the ones around her. She is just following her bliss, her heart…and that gives her the glow in the eyes, the natural smile and the power to love. Buen camino en tu camino, amiga mia! El camino se hace al andar….

Ro: Visand la viitor….evident ca o facea….evident ca o face,…. cum altfel……..doar e in sangele ei sa o faca….visand la o noua carare, un nou drum, “el camino de la vida”….dar in acelasi timp bucurandu-se de clipa prezenta, traind-o, simtind-o….si asta e ceva pe care toti trebuie s-o invatam si ea e un profesor bun. Calmul si pacea ei ii cucereste pe cei din jur. Doar isi urmeaza stralucirea, inima… asta ii da stralucirea din ochi, zambetul natural si puterea de-a iubi. Buen camino en tu camino, amiga mia! El camino se hace al andar….

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